Honey I Blew Up……EVERYTHING!

As a child, I was captivated by the “Honey I Shrunk” series starring Rick Moranis. The way they transformed ordinary objects into monumental and extraordinary creations fascinated me. From tiny ants to blades of grass to buzzing bees, the films remain incredible and continue to stand the test of time. This fascination sparked my interest in exploring macro photography, where everyday objects appear foreign and alien when viewed up close. Take a moment to discover something truly amazing! If you’d like me to capture macro shots of an everyday object for you, feel free to reach out. All submissions are welcomed with open arms, and if one particularly stands out as astonishingly beautiful, I may even surprise you with a complimentary print of the photograph to adorn your wall. If you like what you see but don’t want to buy anything today your always welcome to buy me a burrito